Sunday, January 20, 2008

January Make:Philly meeting

Yesterday's Make:Philly meeting - my first - was amazing! I'm so enthusiastic about it, it's almost embarrassing. It was quite literally several of my geek dreams come true, right down to going out for Pho afterwards. From 2600 sweatshirts to missing digits, the crowd made me feel like I was in a Douglas Coupland novel.

Don Miller's (aka NO CARRIER) talk was fantastic, and made me want to go home and tear apart my old NES to see for myself everything he had discussed. I definitely envision some future projects being inspired by that.

I was thrilled by the reception my button pad received. After the talk ended, people immediately approached me to ask about it, and I had a crowd for the rest of the evening. It was incredibly flattering.

Afterwards, a bunch of us went out, and I got to talk more with the folks who put the whole event together, who are also some of the minds behind The Hacktory. I can't wait to get involved in some more of their events, and hopefully I won't have to wait until next month's meeting to do so. I just wish I lived closer to the city, but it's definitely worth the drive.

Even my iPod seemed to pick up on the mood. For the drive back, shuffle started me off with some Stereolab before moving in to an hour long mix by The Kleptones: retro-futurism followed by creative repurposing. A fitting end to a great afternoon.

1 comment:

cyen said...

Thanks for posting your link to your project on my flickr site!
It was an awesome meeting wasn't it! :)
Glad you had a good time and hope you'll be back (so we can pick your brain over arduino stuff :)
