Friday, February 29, 2008

Boards have arrived!

AVR ICSP breadboard adapters

Wednesday was board-day for me, as both my AVR ICSP breadboard adapter (ordered from BatchPCB) and my RGB button pad (ordered from Advanced Circuits) arrived. Much to my delight (and, to be honest, a little to my surprise), they both seem to work great. If you got in touch with me about the breadboard adapters, you'll be hearing from me soon; some are not spoken for, so if you'd like one, get in touch (jmg shift-2 upwardnotnorthward dot com). Expect a full post on the RGB pad once I've got it all up and running (right now I only have four RGB LEDs, so I'm waiting for more to arrive before I can fully build it).

Oh, and Advanced Circuits included a bag of microwave popcorn with my board order. Seriously.

RGB button pad custom PCB - unboxing photos


Anonymous said...

can you share the design and layout of the RGB button pad with us? I'm currently looking into building such a toy and would highly appreciate any information! Thanks!

JMG said...

As I said above, expect a full write-up of the new RGB board soon, once I've got it fully assembled and working, hopefully sometime next week.

g.p.macklin said...

Why did you use two different PCB manufacturers? I'm curious because I am looking to have some boards done in the upcoming future.

JMG said...

gpm, I used BatchPCB for the adapter board because BatchPCB is very cheap for boards that are physically small even in small runs, and the adapter is tiny (0.65 sq. in). However, for the much larger RGB boards, the cost advantage of BatchPCB disappears entirely, so I used Advanced Circuits since they're much, much, faster.

Also, Advanced Circuits does all it's manufacturing in the US (as opposed to China for BatchPCB), so you don't need to worry about the conditions under which they were made, and the environmental impact of shipping around the world, and things like that.

I highly recommend Advanced Circuits. Their product is very high quality and their customer service is impecable.

Anonymous said...

at the Feb make philly meeting, i was one of the hundred people to encourage you to teach a class at thehacktory who failed to sign up for the class. A week after realizing how far over my head your class would be, i decided i would be very happy to buy as much of a kit, (just the pcbs even), as you can assemble by the next time you grace our lovely city.

i hope to have a ir midi controller based on the adafruit midisense ADio kit to bring in saturday.


Anonymous said...

This is awesome.