Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Announcing: Arduino serial communications class at The Hacktory!

I'm very pleased to announce that I will be teaching Advanced Physical Computing Experiments, a course about serial communications with Arduino, at The Hacktory in Philadelphia! The course is design as a natural follow-up to their highly successful introductory Arduino classes: whereas that class deals with how to set up the Arduino and use it to control simple components, this course will deal with controller more complicated, "smarter" components, as well as talking with other devices like computers.

I've mentioned before that one of the things that terrified me when I was starting out was the prospect of reading integrated circuit datasheets and figuring out how to interact with them. Now that I've gotten the hang of it, I'm amazed at the huge range of chips on the market, and how easy it is to interface with the vast majority of them once you know a few basics. It really has the potential to transform your projects, and I'm really excited about sharing this knowledge.

So what are you waiting for? Go sign up!

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